
Buy Almost There The Platformer Steam (PC) – Steam CD Key – Europe – Sprint between saw blades while dodging homing missiles. Duck under lasers while the floor crumbles beneath you. Almost There was designed specifically for fans of the hardcore platforming genre – you’ve been warned.

Sprint between saw blades while dodging homing missiles. Duck under lasers while the floor crumbles beneath you. Almost There was designed specifically for fans of the hardcore platforming genre – you’ve been warned.

100% Dexterity Platforming

Almost There provides uninterrupted platforming awesomeness.

Hours and Hours of Gameplay

With over 150 stages and timed challenges, Almost There will kill you thousands of times.

Spikes, Saws, Lasers, Missiles, Oh My!

Everything in Almost There is designed to kill you. Enjoy.

Created for platformer fans — by platformer fans