
Buy Karen Sees Steam (PC) – Steam CD Key – Global – KAREN SEES is a stealthy horror game where you must use weapons, vehicles and traps to survive the monstrous KAREN breaking into your mall at night!

KAREN SEES is a chaotic, fast-paced horror game where you battle a bloodthirsty AI with access to your webcam & emotions as you play, as night guard Bob. Who’s mall has been broken into by a monstrous KAREN, out looking for you and the manager’s blood!

GAMEPLAY: Taking place in a giant, spooky shopping mall at night, you must find and destroy the complaints plastered all over the mall using security cameras and stealth to save your life and job before dawn! Karen is an enraged, fast and reckless woman armed with vicious words as well as her knife. With a terrifying AI using an advanced neural network & your webcam for emotions in order to patronize, judge and terrify you a whole lot better to her advantage!

FEATURES: Survive the night using security cameras, weapons, vehicles, traps and stealth to aid your survival against the monstrous KAREN! Explore the giant mall with randomized note locations & items. Complete the short, terrifying story, collect achievements & more!

THE KAREN-AI SEES YOU! Using your webcam & AI allowing her to see & process your emotions in order to patronize, judge and terrify you a whole lot better! Easily scared? The AI will detect it in real-time, when you’re caught and use your fear to her advantage!

In other words, she’s an actual Karen!