
Buy Portals World Steam (PC) – Steam CD Key – Global – A sci-fi action strategy tower defense digging 2D top down game, Dig, explore, build production and defensive facilities, take care of robot’s battery and manage power wisely..

Strategy : survive attacks for each portals active period and use portals cool down period for exploring and dig for materials and crafting and setup defenses an paths.. more over you should take care of robot’s battery and manage power wisely..

Monk’s Shop: When the robot enters Monks ceramic zone you can access the shop, sell, buy items and achieve requests..

Enemies & Allies: From multiple worlds..
Weapons: There are many sorts of defense like Weapon facility can be mounted with a weapon, shield and class-mod modules..

Traps and barrels..

Robot built in turret..

Build factories: generator facility to produce power batteries, weapon factory, engineering factory, elemental factory, class-mod factory, body-parts factory..

Other Facilities: Walls, Research station for process researches.. and more..
World: you can create unlimited auto generated infinite worlds, with zones, each zone have unique tiles..